Little Big Snake

Little Big Snake

Little Big Snake is a game where you control a snake that eats rats and bugs underground to grow its body. At the same time, the game's matrix will have many participants who are also your opponents. The player's task is to navigate the main entity, avoiding other snakes, and collect the most items to become the snake king.

Little Big Snake is also an unlimited game. You will go on an endless journey with the main character until you encounter an obstacle and disappear completely. Remember that the main character only disappears when he crashes into obstacles such as rocks or collides with other players.


Make the snake move

To navigate the animated snake's path, players just need to move in the direction they want. Besides, you can increase the main character's speed by holding down the click.

The world of collecting games with a snake

Games like Little Big Snake have many versions with different designs that players can add to alternatives like,, and more.