Geometry Dash Schade

Geometry Dash Schade

Geometry Dash Schade

Geometry Dash Schade takes back the challenges of the world of geometry with 6-star Harder difficulty. The creator of this user level, BranSilver, has created a breathtaking adventure map with a series of obstacles along the way. Your task is extremely familiar; maneuvering the icon can change shape and state to the final destination. Just a small collision will push the character back to the starting line immediately. Each restart has only one chance to advance to glory. Prove you can completely conquer this difficulty!


Game Instructions

Geometry Dash Schade starts with short cube jumps and dashes and transitions into an up-tempo silhouette shortly after. The transporters that appear continuously challenge your reflexes with the character's dizzying movements. This level has a ship and robot section mixed in with the cube series and constant changes in map design.

In the segments moving in the air where the character is not in flying form, taking advantage of every ring is extremely necessary. Then, because they can cause the icon to change gravity, be careful in each of your control operations. The level concludes with the UFO segment, and the final section features extremely fast and close-together slopes.

Guide to Collect User Coins

  • 62%: You need to guide the main cube to jump through a gap between the vertical barrier. Then you can both continue the level and collect the first coin.
  • 74%: After switching from the ship back to cube form, the character slides across a platform in the ceiling to land on another one and get the coin.

Discover Geometry Dash Vanilla and Geometry Dash Sanctuary of Light, two Geometry Dash Schade-like games with engaging gameplay, challenges, and engaging rhythms that are sure to keep you hooked.