Geometry Dash Phantom

Geometry Dash Phantom

Geometry Dash Phantom is an obstacle course game created by TheRealSalad with a 5-star difficulty level. The game has a mysterious Halloween atmosphere, with deadly scenes of things and monsters suddenly appearing. Players win when you control the object to overcome all obstacles and reach the finish line safely. Beside, this matrix has 3 silver user coins.

Geometry Dash Phantom starts with a steady movement speed of the cube. In general, the main object will maintain a speed that is not too fast until the ball and robot form. The game ends with the author's nameplate and the entity rushing straight into the glowing wall on the right side of the screen.


Gameplay and user coins

The round begins with the cube shape of the object. In this section, the player needs to align the timing accurately to execute jump commands over high columns. In addition, the appearance of jumping balls will also help you avoid sharp obstacles. The scene changes to a gloomy town with an overwhelming Halloween atmosphere. The object's current form is the airship, the cube, and the robot. The terrain will be brick walls with pointed triangle blocks above. Gamers control the entity by following the instructions of the arrows to reach a safe location. The next UFO segment will be your time to collect your first coin. Before that, you need to get 3 small silver coins for the coin to actually appear.

Exiting the lava terrain, players come to a cube segment with terrain made up of columns resembling cactus stems. After a short break comes the dual-cube mode, the robot, and the speed wave segment. The object is stable in an airship state with ample space for movement. The next robot segment will be the location of the second user coin. This item appears below a display panel with a question mark in position 56%. A simple, quick shadow sequence occurs before a series of changes in the entity's shape.

The tunnel with the robot segment at position 88% is where the last coin appears. Immediately after that, the player continues to put the object through the transition gates and reaches the finish line after the short cube segment.

Some tips for gamers

  • Collecting user coins is not required. You can skip if you encounter problems in the main matrix.
  • Music can help you utilize rhythm for your entity, but if it distracts you, turn it off.
  • Do not challenge multiple times in a short period of time. It can make your command and control skillful, but it will also make you easily angry and want to give up.
  • There is no need to move through portals if you can find another, safer path.