Geometry Dash Cadenza

Geometry Dash Cadenza

Geometry Dash Cadenza is a challenging and difficult adventure game created by ViPriN. This user-level game with 5-star difficulty requires the smartest navigation strategies. By controlling the object to avoid colliding with all obstacles on the map, players win. The main object starts out as a cube at a steady pace. You then move the entity through gravity portals to transform into more terrain-appropriate shapes such as balls, airships, and UFOs.


Explore the adventure track

Geometry Dash Cadenza includes four parts. From 0 to 33%, the terrain is now in a tunnel with a wide walkway. The object shape in this part is the opening cube, followed by the ball segment. The player controls the object to touch the jumping balls through some gravity portals and avoids obstacles that are pointed triangles. Between 34 and 68%, the entity returns to its cube shape. The terrain in this section includes countless floating blocks. You need to align the time accurately so that the object does not fall to the terrain below and lose. Some jumping balls also appear at sparse distances to help you have more reasonable strategies.

The round continues with the aircraft segment from position 69%. The matrix changes into pillars and platforms with spikes at the ends. The jagged images are for decorative purposes only and do not affect the main object. The next stage is the UFO section. Obstacles are now blocks surrounded by pointed triangles. Even a small collision can cause you to lose and have to play again from the beginning. After finishing this segment, you will see the developer name appear on the matrix; this is the finish line.

Master your control skills

Geometry Dash Cadenza is a moderately difficult round. However, there are still certain difficult situations that players need to pay special attention to. After referring to the terrain in the above section, gamers need to understand how to control objects to have the best experience. You can use the mouse click, the up arrow, or the spacebar to maneuver the main geometry.

The effectiveness of the round will depend on your hand speed and agility in analyzing the situation in the matrix. Note the gravity portals, as they will cause the object to change speed. At that time, you need to have quick strategies to control the situation. The game allows players to try multiple times, so you can take advantage of it to memorize the terrain and be proactive in avoiding difficult obstacles.