Doodle Baseball

Doodle Baseball

Doodle Baseball

Doodle Baseball is an entertaining game that challenges the players’ absolute alignment ability. You will take turns playing the role of the batter and blocking the pitcher's balls. Situations that can happen now are:

  • Strike out: When the batter (the main character) swings the bat but does not hit the ball. The round will continue with this character on the next turn.
  • Hitting the ball: The hitting power in Doodle Baseball depends on your control time. As long as the character hits the ball, you receive bonus points and eliminate certain members of the opposing team.
  • Home run: When you hit the ball away from the field. Bonus points at this time will skyrocket and bring impressive achievements.



  • Each batter hitting the ball will be a different fruit in place of the pitcher's fixed character of peanuts.
  • Direction of ball movement: This is the most attractive and challenging element of Doodle Baseball. Players will not be able to know the direction of the ballapart from when the opponent throws it away. Quick reflexes and precise timing techniques are the keys to victory.
  • The ball has three main directions of movement: fastball, off-speed, and curve ball.

Eliminate all members of the opposing team and win a glorious victory right away. Doodle Baseball is waiting for the most advanced gamers with superior skills to conquer it.